1-Credit is the first chapter of the Hi Score Girl (manga).
We start off with Haruo, frustrated by his loss of his 10 win streak and his 7 lose-streak, sitting their hopelessly with his pride besmirched by, to his surprised, fellow classmate Ono Akira. Angered that a girl with everything is taking over his only things is good at challenges Akira one last time. This time around he wins the first round against her using Guile's dirtiest trick known as the "Guile Turtling". During the second round he get's very cocky and decides to put salt into the wound by playing with one hand, unsurprising losing, by the 3 round he gives up what little pride he has and beats her with the direst way of winning, "Throw Jank", this in turn get Ono mad at him using dirty tricks, kicking the cabinet and punching him across the face.
Ironically, This started a relationship between the gamer's.